Category Archives: Home

Succesful co-parenting: Some simple guidelines

Real CloseImage by lisihoff via Flickr

I am writing this blog entry from my ex husband’s living room. My son is in his room, playing some sort of Space car race game and I am here by the table, surrounded by cereal and milk and bread. So how is this possible? How come I am allowed to sit here, to spend a day or two with my son in this house where he is growing up? How come I was invited to my ex husband’s sister’s wedding recently?

It has to do with some very simple guidelines to follow in order to co-parents productively and make the best choices for our son.

My ex husband and I have had to learn the rules and although we do hit an obstacle or two still, we have become so much better parents.

Be tolerant.
I can’t say I agree with every single decision my ex husband makes in his way of raising our son but I have learned, however, that it’s a very very bad idea to intervene in the decisions he is making right at the moment when he is making them. I used to do that a lot. My ex would say to our son, “I want you to stop playing video games so much” and I’d go “Lots of kids do it and it’s not like he is not getting enough exercise, anyway”. This would, of course, totally strip my ex husband of any respect he might have built up in his relationship with our son. It took a few arguments and some thinking before I finally got it: Shut up in the moment, save your breath for later until the kid is not present.

Be flexible.
Many an agreement has been broken. Never so that our son comes out the loser, though. I am the weekend mom and I have made a point of always being there; only once in 8 years have I cancelled on a trip to see him, because I was too sick with the flu to make it. Then I saw him the following week instead. Still, there have been small changes on both parts: My ex have moved some dates and I have as well. It’s important to not be totally rigid about dates and calendars. The main point is to keep an ongoing relationship with my son, not to win a battle of calenders.

Be kind.
I’ve discovered that if I want to be heard and respected, I must give what I want: Respect and kindness in return. I can’t count the times I have screamed and yelled at my ex (and he’s done the same to me) and such a fight never resulted in a winner, only two big losers with hurt egos. Also, it’s a terrible thing for a child when parents fight. So now I have decided to go another way. I sometimes praise my ex husband for his parenting skills. I say things like “You are doing so good with our son, well done”.The response is amazing; I get kindness back as well and our son seems to flourish. He’s learning that mom and dad are divorced and can’t be together but they can be nice to each other and we can still go out and have dinner, hang out – not like we used to (where everything ended in bad moods and fights) but in a much better place.

I used to nag a lot in our marriage and just be pissed every day and so, I don’t think my opinion was taken very seriously. It seems that now when I’m a much happier person, I do get taken seriously: When I get mad and say “This is how I want it and it’s important to me”, someone actually listens. Setting boundaries is important for co-parents, and it’s taken me a long time to learn that setting boundaries is not the same as being bitchy and mean. You can set boundaries in a respectful way: To here and no further, end of discussion. Remember, it takes two to fight. Simply refuse to fight.

I know, this sounds rather simple and I do understand it’s not simple at all, I just see so many people bitching about their ex and going “If only he or she would change, things would improve so much”. And yet they’re the ones who are online, writing mean things about their ex. I found that if I changed my behaviour and owned my part in the difficulties, my ex automatically did the same. Don’t change other people (you can’t), change yourself and be a good parent. Be nice, tolerant and respectful. I bet your ex will change with you.

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Filed under Divorce, Family, Home, House, Learning, Marriage, Parent, Video game

Know your own uniqueness and never be jealous again

Thomas Hart Benton - The Ballad of the Jealous...Image by photogeek133 via Flickr

Okay this might make a lot of people puke because it just sounds too perfect. I still have to write about it though because it just absolutely killed any feeling of jealousy I might have suffered from up until that point.

Kurt sat me down, looked into my eyes and explained to me – in a LOT of words – why he is with me and what he loves about me. I’m not gonna go into great detail because this blog entry is not about me and my wonderfulness (haha!) but to make my point, I’ll let you in on some of it.

It is my smile. It is my personality that – according to him – is big and wonderful, it’s the way I love him, it’s my sense of humour, it’s my bad days where I can’t talk and I yell at him because I feel so safe with him that I feel free to take out my crap on him and still know he won’t leave cos he has such broad shoulders and such a great life experience that he can be this rock I can climb onto in my times of need. It’s the great mom I am, the way I act around my kid. It’s the way I make him feel free to open up to me and share his feelings.

I could go on but there really is no need. Of course, when he was done talking and I sat there feeling like I’d just been run over by the truck of LOVE, I felt really foolish. I so wanted to find a good “come-back” that would make him feel equally loved but I just had no words. I could just sit there , be on the receiving end of more love and acceptance than I’ve ever had in my life.

That’s when it occured to me. All the things he mentioned were things that are unique to me and my personality. My quirks and my insecurities and my smile and the way I am a mother. Nobody else can ever fill that role in his life. He’s not gonna ever find those things in another woman – sure, there are of course other wonderful women out there – but there isn’t another woman with the exact same qualities as mine. Nobody smiles like I do, nobody has the exact same weird sense of humour that I have. Nobody breaks down anxiously in the unique way that I do.

It’s been an issue of mine for years, well all my life actually, to be able to identify what is special about myself and truly love it. I’ve not learned it yet but I have come to the understanding that nobody can ever teach me to love myself; it’s something I have to discover by myself. And yet I can’t help wondering: This is the very first time in my life that anyone has sat me down and told me straight up: “Here’s what I love so much about you, here’s why I will never hurt you or leave you”. That’s never happened before and it had such a strong impact on me. Wow. If he loves me – not because of some exterior factor like being pretty or being skinny – but because of the wonderful uniqueness, because of ME, the woman behind all the bullshit I tend to show to the world, then this is truly a powerful message he’s sending me.

Ladies (and gentlemen, of course), look for someone who will love and cherish your uniqueness and help you identify what makes you so special . Once you accomplish that, you will never need to be jealous again.Your partner can talk to others, have friendly relationships with others and be truly free to live an independent life as soon as you look in the mirror and understand how unique you are and that no one – NO ONE – can take your place in your partner’s heart.

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Filed under Home, Humour, Jealousy, Psychology, Relationships, Romance, Social Sciences, Woman

Why Mother’s Day is Hell for lots of women

{{#if: | }} Original image description from th...Image via Wikipedia

It’s Mother’ Day here in Denmark today. This means long lines at the flower shops, dads holding kids by the hand – kids who would much rather be at home drawing with crayons or playing a video game – but they’ve got to be there to get their mother some flowers because it’s Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day also equals lots of noncustodial mothers who have no children to hold on that “special” day. No flowers, no hand-written cards saying “I love you mom”. “Best mom in the world”. The stores are full of cards like that and we get bombarded with them on TV and in the local newspapers. There is no way of escaping it.  We meet other moms on the street or in restaurants holding their kids by the hand, going “Happy Mother’s Day”, perhaps not considering that although you are a mother, this might not be a happy day for you.

There are also wanna-be mothers, women who cannot get pregnant but keep trying – and women who cannot get pregnant. Ever. Period. They, too, have to suffer through this day.

Mother’s Day also provokes some pretty bad childhood memories for some. It’s impossible not to think about your parents, of course – and not everyone is blessed with a happy childhood. I wonder why we celebrate this day from a time when views on motherhood perhaps were different than today. Mothers are in many walks of life, living through so many different stages. Today motherhood does not naturally mean joy. It always means love: Love for the children we have, love for the children we are not allowed to be with, love for the child we wish we could carry full-term, love for the child in ourselves, love for the hope of getting pregnant. But not necessarily joy.

I hope one day we can honor ALL mothers, not just the ones who fit the specific type of woman who is the “ideal” mother. I just don’t want one day of celebration. I want anyone who loves their mother to bring her flowers, phone her or ring her door bell at any time of the year, on any day. That way we can avoid breaking the hearts of millions of women once a year.

What do you think?

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Filed under Denmark, Family, Flower, Holidays, Home, Mother, Mother's Day, Parenting

Delicious chocolate cookies ~ simple recipe

   I was unable to get my washing machine to work yesterday. The screws were way too rusty to deal with so now it’s back to the old, dirty laundrette. Oh well, suppose I will survive.

I was totally exhausted last night – perhaps because of the trip I took with my parents (I was out all day) – so I went to bed early and woke up to see the sun shining.

After a few Facebook updates I went to the kitchen to bake some cookies..
Delicious ones with chocolate chips 🙂  Here is the recipe:

200 grams margarine, 125 grams icing sugar, 1 egg white, 250 gram wheat flour, 75 grams chopped chocolate.

Mix together margarine and flour, add icing sugar and egg white, knead the dough until it is smooth,add chocolate. Roll into sausages and cut into 3 cm pieces. Then roll into balls, place on baking sheet and press flat with your thumb.

Bake in oven, 200 degrees, 10 minutes.

Please note these measurements may need to be converted.

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Filed under Baking, Chocolate chip, Cookie, Cooking, Dough, Egg white, facebook, Flour, Home, Margarine

Mandy Patinkin could probably fix my washing machine

Front-loading washing machine.Image via Wikipedia

Well it’s been quite a day. I managed to break off a part of the lid on my washing machine and – believe it or not – the piece fell down between the what do you call it..the one that spins around and the actual..never mind, this is not my first language and I can’t explain. I might do a little “Repairing washing machine” Youtube video tomorrow. Something tells me not to be a fool, though. I am not a handyman although I actually enjoy when stuff breaks. I like having a screwdriver in my hand. Don’t read stuff into that.

By the way, the machine on the image is not mine.  I wish! Mine is the type that opens on top. I really really encourage you to stay away from those. The lid breaks way too easily.

Anyway. Quite a day. Besides from having seen I believe seven episodes of Criminal Minds today, it’s been quite an emotional day. A rollercoaster sort of day. Landslide. Volcano. Ashes. Ups and downs. You know what I mean. At this time of night I always get struck by a calm, though. It’s right now past midnight here in Denmark and I so enjoy the silence and the darkness. My mind is tired and relaxed. It’s my favorite time of day.

Speaking of Criminal Minds, I am almost through with season one and I hear that Agent Gideon is not in the next ones? I know I am hopelessly behind.. Kurt says there are 6-7 seasons!? I don’t know if I will survive not seeing Gideon. What an awesome guy. I know he’s not real..duh..but still, he’s charming, articulate, a deep thinker and highly intelligent. My kinda guy. The guy inside of Gideon is Mandy Patinkin, a Shakespearean actor. I hadn’t really heard of him until I discovered him on this show but Kurt says he’s been around for ages and is a great guy. So I might just look up more stuff with him. He’s definitely great in Criminal Minds.

I better call it a night. My eyes are starting to struggle..

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Filed under Actor, books, Business and Economy, Criminal Minds, Energy Star, Home, Languages, Mandy Patinkin, Television, Washing machine, Water

Enter Sir Cliff

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Well. Sir Cliff is in Denmark and naturally the weather is amazing. It’s all because of him, no doubt. Why is he here? Because he’s been invited by the Queen to sing at her galla show in celebration of her 70th birthday. 

I, on the other hand, am not invited and therefore I’ve spent the day doing practical stuff. I’m gonna see my son’s school play on Thursday and bringing him back with me for the weekend so I’ve been picking up train tickets, doing laundry, baking bread (I am the bread-baking kind of mom), vacuuming and organizing stuff. It sounds like my life is in total disarray when my son is not around! That’s really not the case. It’s just that I want the place to look great when he is here – and I need tons of food.

About my son’s school play: I am a bunch of nerves. He’s told me he is a little nervous but I’ll bet that I am a thousand times more nervous. It’s not that I don’t think he’ll do well – I am sure he will – it’s just that .. I can’t express it in words. Just a nervousness inside me.

All of you who are attending better CLAP. Or I’ll snap your head off.

Have a great day!

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Filed under anxiety, Birthday, Family, Film, Holidays, Home, Parenting, Robert Pattinson

I gave birth to twin girls

Fetus at 38 weeks after fertilization 3D Pregn...Image via Wikipedia

What a weird dream I had this morning. I say morning because I woke up around 6.30, then went back to sleep until 8 – and in between that time, I had the dream.

Right out of the blue I gave birth to two baby girls! I wasn’t pregnant, was just sitting around in the living room and suddenly gave birth. Twin girls. And I called for help but nobody would help. I yelled “But I have nothing for these girls, no diapers, no milk” and the person on the other end hung up on me.

The babies were screaming and shaking.

By the time I woke up, I was in a cold sweat and totally terrified. It sounds kind of silly but I really felt awful when I finally awoke.

Wow. I almost had to search the apartment for babies just to make sure..

Thank God for daylight.

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Filed under Baby, Children, Family, God, Home, Living room, Pregnancy, shopping

His kids, her kids = our kids?

Close-up of a mature man and his grandson looking at an MP3 player

I’m a real believer in the statement that the new partner of a divorced man/woman should stay well out of the upbringing of the divorced couple’s kids. In an already strained relationship due to the divorce and the following insecurities of each person involved in the divorce, you suddenly bring in a third adult person who wants to make decisions on behalf of your child or children. It’s just never a good idea. The child will probably go through a period of confusion – in some cases even guilt about the divorce, thinking that he or she caused it by being a “bad” kid – and will most likely resent any new person coming into the picture, trying to put down the rules and guidelines for them. It’s like a stranger walking into your life, telling you what to do, when to be home, how to behave. None of us like that.

The only people who should be raising a child is the mother and the father of the child. Even when , for example, the dad marries a new woman. This new person has no say whatsoever in the upbringing of the child.

I’m sure some people out there would disagree. Some say “I married this child’s father, so I consider the child my son and therefore I should have a say”. “I married this child’s mother and we all live in the same house, so of course I should have a say”.

No, you shouldn’t. I’ve never heard of a situation where it works out. You might then get into the gray area of “giving advice” to your partner about his child and then stating “But I’m not involved, just stating my opinion.”  That’s what has happened to me. Without going into any details, I have been known to say “Your child is and so”. And I’ve had the response “You have a right to say your opinion”. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. Walking into an area where I don’t belong and getting into a discussion about something that is none of my business, it’s very hard to deal with. Then why did I let myself get involved? Because when you’re in a relationship, you get involved. You hear things and see things and get drawn into conversations. The big challenge is to simply listen, step back and not get involved. I’m trying to learn that skill. I’ve also made the mistake of letting someone else give advice on my own situation and that was a big, huge, fat mistake.

I will never again let anyone interfere with the upbringing of my child. His dad and I are the ones in charge of his upbringing, not any outside party.

Stepchildren have been known to ruin lots of relationships – that’s what they say, anyway. I think the responsibility falls on the adults, though. In many cases relationships are ruined because there are no boundaries, no set rules for the step parents, nor the children to follow.

I have no answer on how to make it work when there are step kids and step parents involved. I only know what I have experienced and learned. Only let yourself and your child’s father/mother have a say in the upbringing of your child and if a situation is volatile and difficult because of different issues– like your new wife telling your teenage son when to be home – or your new husband setting rules for your 8 year old daughter and she is throwing fits about it – well , maybe it’s time for you to step up and be the main source of direction and guidance for your child?

Now let me hear from you. Are you a step mom or step dad? How is it going? What makes it work or what makes it not work?

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Filed under Child, Divorce, Family, Father, Home, Marriage, Mother, Stepfamily

Casey Anthony is keeping me awake

Casey Anthony has been booked into the Orange ...Image via Wikipedia

Alright. I admit it. I am up, wide awake and it’s twenty minutes to 4. I should be neatly tucked into bed at this point but I really feel like I need to stay up. I think I remember reading something about that insomnia can help fight anxiety? It’s probably because the brain gets too tired to worry. So here I am, a little less worried and with a brain that’s half asleep.

So what – praytell – do I spend time doing at this time of the night? By the way, Kurt taught me the expression “praytell”. He says that a LOT. I am watching the police interview with George Anthony, the father of now (in)famous Casey Anthony who is awaiting her trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee. I’ve already watched numerous interviews with Casey and am completely surprised at how much she can lie and stick to her lies even when the police KNOW for a fact she is lying. Next was the interview with her mom – also changing her story many times and right now I am listening to the dad which is kinda different because he sounds rather intelligent – and yet it’s sort of hard to understand the whole, complicated story. He sounds the most believable though.

I won’t ever understand why mothers kill their kids. Women like Susan Smith, Diane Downs and now Casey Anthony all fall into a group of women who act against the strongest emotion in the world: Motherly love. How can a mother give birth to a child and then kill it? I write and read about psychopaths  – some of the nastiest personalities around – and yet nobody shocks me more than these so-called mothers.

What’s your feeling about them? Why do they do it?

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Filed under anxiety, Brain, Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony homicide, Diane Downs, Health, Home, Insomnia, Mother, murder, Parenting, Police

5 things to consider before having a baby

Today I want to write about a topic that has actually been on my mind for quite a while – I just haven’t gotten around to writing about it. I want to write about some of the things to be aware of when you have a child with a person from a different culture and before I start writing, I just wanted to clear that this entry is not about claiming that the Western way of raising kids – or my own way of raising kids – is the only right way. I merely want to state some things that it’s good to consider before you have your first child with a foreign partner.

Let’s take such a thing as medicine to start with. In the Western world a lot of us don’t consider it a problem to give our kids  medication for headaches or transport sickness or any other ailment along the way but in some cultures people do not give medicine to kids and it’s always good to have a discussion about this. How are you going to handle it when your child has a fever? Do you medicate or do you not medicate?

Another thing that might be a challenge is your child’s eating habits. How does your partner feel about candy, for example? If your partner is Muslim, he or she will more than likely expect the child to eat only Halal food. How do you feel about that?

Then there’s the subject of in-laws. In the Western world, we do tend to like our in-laws and do our best to get on well with them but at the same time, we have very clear boundaries for them. We don’t expect our own parents to have a major say in the way we choose to raise our kids but in some culture,s families are much more integrated and everybody has a say in raising the children. That’s another thing you need to consider. If the in-laws come to visit , they might want to stay for weeks or even months at a time . Can you live with that ?

Think about dating. In some cultures girls are not allowed to date even when they reach their teens whereas different rules apply for boys. You on the other hand might think it’s perfectly natural for teenage girls to wear makeup and go out with boys. That’s another thing to talk about.

The last thing I am going to mention is birthdays. In some cultures birthdays for children are only celebrated until they reach their teens and then it stops whereas we in the Western world continue to make a big deal about birthdays even into adulthood.

I’m not trying to discourage you from having babies with a foreigner or somebody with a different culture than you; it’s just my experience that it’s better to have a huge amount of discussions before the child is born because no matter what, you’re going to need to compromise – both of you. If you are both unwilling to let go of certain traditions and beliefs about child rearing, you’re likely to run into a whole bunch of trouble.

Sit down with your partner and discuss your expectations 🙂

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Filed under Adolescence, Child, Family, Health, Home, Kids and Teens, Medicine, Parent